It's back to basics for Alexandre Rockwell, whose Louis and Frank takes the manic, singing Italian landlords who plagued Steve Buscemi in In the Soup and recasts them as cousins with a penchant for doo-wop. Rockwell actually tailored Louis for the actors Steven Randazzo (Louis) and Francesco Messina (Frank), who'd had a doo-wop group back in the '60s.

The fun starts when Frank, now a hairdresser in Sicily, arrives in New York to visit Louis, a moving man with a family in Queens, and pushes him to revive their singing career. When Frank connects with two-bit talent agent Tony Curtis (Lenny), the Bitchin DiBuffonis are on their way, scoring gigs everywhere from bowling alleys to drag clubs. Rockwell finds an excuse to get Curtis back in drag while he's moonlighting as a private detective, and usual suspects Steve Buscemi, Rosie Perez, Sam Rockwell and Rockets Redglare show up in supporting roles.

Rockwell had made three films (Lenz, Hero and Sons) before In the Soup put him on the map at Sundance '92, winning the fest's grand prize. Next came Somebody to Love and Four Rooms. Louis finds Rockwell reteamed with In the Soup production partner Why Not, the five-year-old Paris production company. With Why Not committing Louis' high six-figure budget, Rockwell tapped New York producer Tim Perell (Breathing Room, The Myth of Fingerprints) to run the show. His next trick was getting Messina, who really had relocated to Sicily to work in hair dressing, back to Manhattan.

The 35mm color Louis and Frank rolled out a 27-day shoot November 11 in New York with cinematographer Jim Denault (Clockwatchers, Illtown) behind the camera. Rockwell says Louis represents a return to In the Soup's aesthetic. All rights are available through Why Not with Perell as point man in New York.

Cast: Steven Randazzo, Francesco Messina, Tony Curtis, Elizabeth Bracco, Jason Fuchs, Giancarla Nashlenas, Rockets Redglare, Sam Rockwell, Meta Golding. Crew: Producers, Pascal Caucheteux, Tim Perell, Howard Bernstein; Screenwriter/Director, Alexandre Rockwell; Cinematographer, Jim Denault; Production Designer, Susan Block; Costume Designer, Catherine Thomas; Casting, Walken and Jaffe; Locations, Andy Clark; Sound, William Kozy. Contact: Beatrice Mauduit, Why Not Productions, 102, Rue du Fauborg Poissoniere, 75010 Paris, France. Tel: (33 1) 53 20 04 56, Fax: (33 1) 53 20 02 06 or Tim Perell, Eureka Pictures, 170 Varick Street, 11th floor, New York, NY 10013. Tel: (212) 929-4902, Fax: (212) 929-8407.

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