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Original Japanese posters, from top: Spider's Gaze, Charisma

JAPANESE NEO-HORROR film master Kiyoshi Kurosawa (no relation), interviewed in last year’s Spring issue of Filmmaker, is finally getting his U.S. due.

Cure, an ultrablack policier about hypnotism, serial murder and Bluebeard’s last wife that stars Shall We Dance’s Koji Yakusho, gets a theatrical release from Cowboy Booking. It opens in New York in early August and platforms nationally through the months to come.

Cowboy has also put together a limited traveling roadshow of various other Kurosawa confections. Best of show: Charisma, the director’s psychotropic masterpiece, a environmental disaster pic filled with psylocibin gobblers, not so far-off mushroom clouds and the haunted titular entity, a scraggly but extremely lethal tree. That’s right, a haunted tree.


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