Shooting With John

A Conversation About Film...With Guns by John Yost

  • Shooting With John: Adam Schartoff

    I was very nervous about the experience. The idea was to go upstate, about 80 or 90 miles or so north up the Hudson Valley region, to some bucolic spot and shoot guns. Originally we were supposed to shoot skeet but that equipment wasn’t available so we ended up doing target practice. A longtime gun control advocate, I was a bit at the end of my rope. It was November of 2012 and there had been close to 16 mass shootings in the U.S. up to that point including the Batman shooting and the Texas A&M shooting that summer. The…  Read more

    On Aug 29, 2013
    By on Aug 29, 2013 Columns
  • Shooting With John: Knuckle Jack

    On this special episode of Shooting With John we shoot shotguns in Los Angeles with John Adams and talk about the experience of family filmmaking. Knuckle Jack is a wonderful microbudget film made by the Adams family in the backwoods and backyards of upstate New York. Jack is a small-town, foul-mouthed drunk with an artistic gift for thievery. Haunted by a youthful tragedy, he passes through his days in a lonely haze, robbing wealthy weekenders’ homes only to score more drugs, booze and bitterness. When Jack is asked to care for his eight-year-old niece Frankie for one thick, hot Catskill…  Read more

    On Jul 10, 2013
    By on Jul 10, 2013 Columns
  • Shooting With John: Rodrigo Lopresti

    Every project is an opportunity for growth; a new lesson and challenge of its own. It’s difficult to find directors you can trust. But when you do, you never want to let them go. I think one of the things that defines a good director is the ability to know when it’s time to step in, and when it’s time to step aside. Here’s what I want to talk about, though: letting go. To me, the best work is not tightly controlled, forced, or formulaic. I think good filmmakers and good actors understand this. But there’s always a tension —…  Read more

    On Apr 2, 2013
    By on Apr 2, 2013 Columns
  • Shooting With John: Loves Her Gun

    On this special episode of Shooting With John, we shoot M1911’s with Geoff Marslett and talk to the crew of Loves Her Gun about the role guns play in cinema. Check out Loves Her Gun this week at SXSW: Monday, March 11th 1:45PM – 3:24PM Topfer Theatre at ZACH Tuesday, March 12th 11:15AM -12:54PM SXSatellite: Alamo Village Friday, March 15th 4:00PM – 5:39PM Topfer Theatre at ZACH

    On Mar 11, 2013
    By on Mar 11, 2013 Around Austin
  • Shooting with John: Lauren Wolkstein

    The concept was genius, yet a bit insane. Get a bunch of indie film nerds together (who have never met before) to travel to upstate New York for the weekend and shoot some target practice – with assault rifles. None of us had ever shot a gun before, let alone an AR-15. We were terrified. Well, I can’t speak for the rest of the group, but I was terrified. However, there was a catch, and I didn’t know this until I arrived for the target practice: we had to be interviewed immediately after firing the rounds, with the assault rifles…  Read more

    On Mar 8, 2013
    By on Mar 8, 2013 Columns
  • Holiday Top Ten of 2012…With Eggnog

    Tis the season for egg nog, friends, good conversations, video games, and top ten lists. So we put all of it into one post. Ghosts of SWJ past and future get together in this first episode of season two to give us their top tens from 2012. But first a few friends drop by for a drink and to talk about creativity in today’s climate. Check out Bryan’s sites: Eric’s Film: American Bomber Movie Happy Holidays! John Top 10 of 2012: Frank Mosley 1. The Comedy 2. Compliance 3. The Master 4. Killing Them Softly 5. Bad Fever…  Read more

    On Dec 21, 2012
    By on Dec 21, 2012 Columns
  • Spanned Attentions

    I’ll make this brief. Attention spans are not what they used to be. Everything I learned in film school failed to include tips on the pitfalls of the digital age of storytelling — because there wasn’t much of one back in 2000. I currently write a lot for youth audiences, and also web series. With web series, it’s basically trying to sum up an entire scene in one page. Or the entire episode in five pages. Trying to bend a whole story arc, pieces of the series arc, plus character motivations, subplots and gods forbid a beat or two —…  Read more

    On Nov 19, 2012
    By on Nov 19, 2012 Columns
  • Why 3D?

    John has graciously given me a chance to tell people why I do 3D, why I ACTUALLY do 3D, to write something beyond the technical babble that typically highlights any in-depth discussion of 3D or the snark that informs any “3D, ugh” diatribe or the relative silence from my peers in the indie community. I’ll do my best to talk about 3D in a way that I haven’t heard often… less a technical piece (or 3D ugh-fest), more an honest ramble on independent artistic creation. An ode, if you will. It’s a shame to start like this, but to get…  Read more

    On Nov 2, 2012
    By on Nov 2, 2012 Cinematography
  • Shooting with John: The Occupation of Indie Film

    If independent film is going to prosper well into the 21st century, many would agree that there must be some sort of interdependence between filmmakers, a collective effort that will help everyone to communicate and share resources. Thankfully, there is already a driven group of Americans who are doing exactly that, providing a template that indie film can examine and emulate. It’s the Occupy movement. No matter how you feel about their politics, Occupy has utilized new technology and social media better than many organizations and affinity groups in the United States. And if you look closely at how they…  Read more

    On Sep 17, 2012
    By on Sep 17, 2012 Columns
  • Shooting With John: A Performance Behind The Lens

    It was a hazy Saturday afternoon in Berne, New York, and a motley crew of filmmakers holding shotguns, aimed at the sky, surrounded me. My mouth was dry and I felt the mind’s eye going black while gripping my barrel. “What the hell am I doing here and who are these strangers?” Well, I was asked to join a small group of filmmakers to shoot skeet and talk shop (and sadly, not form a militia). This past year was a whirlwind tour with my first feature art/documentary, Convento, which premiered at SXSW, played a bunch of fests and was picked up…  Read more

    On Aug 28, 2012
    By on Aug 28, 2012 Columns
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