Filmmaker has its own curated page on the Kickstarter site, spotlighting projects worthy of your attention (and financial assistance). But I thought it would be a good idea to also flag up The Commentator, which I had previously been unaware of and is fast approaching its fundraising deadline. (At the time of writing, it has just under two days to reach its target but is still less than 50% funded). Here’s the description of the film from its Kickstarter page: In 1976 Danish filmmaker Jorgen Leth made the legendary sports and cycling film, A Sunday in Hell, about the Paris Roubaix cycling […]
by Nick Dawson on Mar 21, 2012Big-time professional wrestling has long been a lucrative business, but for the men of Lincolnton, North Carolina’s Millenium Wrestling Federation, the social cohesion and outlet for their imagination the sport provides is their primary compensation. As chronicled in director Robert Greene’s fantastic new documentary Fake It So Real, wrestling has never seemed as intense and physically costly. Yet Greene is not interested in mining the sport for tales of snake-bitten men reaching for a glory that will never come; this isn’t a doc version of The Wrestler. Woebegone men are few and far between in this world, despite the fact […]
by Brandon Harris on Jan 11, 2012