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The Editor's Blog

Contemplations and digressions from Filmmaker's Editor-in-Chief by Scott Macaulay

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in Columns
on Jul 17, 2013

You can now follow Filmmaker on

What is Well, here’s Ben Friedland last August on the blog: is a subscription-based, advertising-free social network and API. It’s a platform that developers can rely on and that members can use to interact with each other. connects members’ feeds across clients built by third-party developers. Developers are free to build on our API – we’ll even send you a monthly payment, if your app is well-received – which means that members have a variety of apps to choose from to access the network.

Most of the larger press outlets have focused on as an ad-free social network. We take this pledge very seriously: we will never sell user data to advertisers, never turn users into the product. Our paid model aligns our interests with our users. Still, while that is very much what we are – a cornerstone of our company – it’s only part of our story.

From the beginning, we pledged to keep our API open to developers acting in good faith – a bold promise, but one we hold dear. This means that developers can trust that we’re not going anywhere and that they can reliably build apps on our platform.

The Filmmaker account is primarily set up as a feed, which means that a headline and link for every article posted on the website will appear there. We’ll also comment on various topics from the account and answer questions and queries. (To interact with me specifically on, find me here.)

Unlike Twitter, runs on fees paid by users. To welcome Filmmaker to the site, the good folks there have provided 100 free accounts to our readers. Hurry, they’ll go fast.

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