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My film needs a tag line. Well, that’s not all it needs. It needs an audience. No, too daunting, stick with the tag. Independent Film Week opens today and the wandering tribes of indie film will break bread. I bring with me a newly minted cut of Pavilion, an ethereal narrative feature film about the mystery of youth, and a fistful of cautious optimism. After processing the first leg of the IFP Narrative Lab in June, some editing tweaks, a couple of living-room screenings and a sweetened score by my collaborator Sam Prekop, the film is ready. Version Industries is well into creating Pavilion posters and a website that literally makes the jaw drop. And this week our goal is a three-headed monster:

1) Meet the programmers and not throw up on them.This film definitely walks its own walk so finding the right festival (hellooooo Rotterdam!) is key to finding our sea legs.

2) Begin exploring the maze of the distribution process. I don’t plan on coming out of Film Week with a deal and pockets stuffed with $100s (what? I don’t?). I do plan on learning everything I can about various distribution channels, and talking shop with experts in the field who have interest in the film.

3) Get in the elevator. Talk this beautiful film up in an intelligent, humble, yet passionate way without sounding like an ass.

Basically, we have to find our way through next — find your way. Find your way. Huh?

Pavilion: find your way.

Nice tag line.

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