Watch: Richard Linklater and Wes Anderson’s The Grand Budapest Hotel Q&A
This post-SXSW screening Q&A for The Grand Budapest Hotel is a few cuts above average. For one thing, Wes Anderson, Jason Schwartzman and music supervisor Randall Poster get to have Richard Linklater as their moderator, which makes for a higher class of question and a more relaxed rapport between two sympatico filmmakers. Native Texans who’ve both worked with animation, Linklater and Anderson are equally ready to discuss the films of Max Ophuls and which Stefan Zweig books in particular they have or haven’t read. Other highlights: Poster talks about how they arranged to record with a full balalaika orchestra, Anderson talks about how making Fantastic Mr. Fox changed his visual toolbox and marvels at the fact that The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou went $8 million over budget (“How did we do that? Whose money was it?”) etc. It’s a fine, relaxed and pretty fat-free session, one of the better de facto interviews Anderson has conducted for this film.