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Bridging the gap between storytelling and technology. by Lance Weiler

Convergent: Columbia DSL Live at the Film Society of Lincoln Center

Columbia University’s Digital Storytelling Lab (DSL) is launching a monthly live event and podcast on the changing nature of storytelling in partnership with New York’s Film Society of Lincoln Center. “Convergent: Columbia DSL Live at the Film Society of Lincoln Center” will explore new forms and functions of storytelling and pull back the curtain on what’s required to tell stories in the digital age. The initial program, to be held at the Elinor Bunin Munroe Film Center on Tuesday, Feb. 23, will celebrate the Lab’s first annual “Digital Dozen: Breakthroughs in Storytelling” with a line\up of speakers that includes New Museum curator Lauren Cornell and Rhizome director Zach Kaplan as well as New York magazine editor Adam Moss and New York Times Magazine editor Jake Silverstein. It will then transition to a kickoff session for the 2016 edition of the Lab’s Sherlock Holmes and the Internet of Things, a global experiment in collaborative storytelling.

Hosted by myself and Frank Rose, author of The Art of Immersion and Senior Fellow at Columbia University School of the Arts, the evening will include a brief presentation on the “Digital Dozen” followed by two roundtable discussions inspired by its selections. Rose will lead a conversation on journalism in the digital age with Adam Moss, Editor in Chief of New York, and Jake Silverstein, Editor in Chief of The New York Times Magazine. Both publications were honored in the Digital Dozen, New York for its National Magazine Award\winning interactive narrative “This Is the Story of One Block in Bed\Stuy, Brooklyn” and the Times Magazine for its pioneering virtual reality report on the global refugee crisis, “The Displaced.” Lauren Cornell, Director of Technology Initiates at the New Museum and Co\curator of its highly successful 2015 Triennial, and Zach Kaplan, Director of the digital art organization Rhizome, a New Museum affiliate, will then join Rose for a discussion of art and technology sparked by “Freedom,” an installation by Josh Kline that was commissioned for the Triennial and chosen by the Lab as one of its Digital Dozen.

The event on Feb 23rd is free. To RSVP email

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