It’s Martin Scorsese’s 73rd birthday, and the BFI has cannily leveraged the date to boost attention for a brief video of the preservation-minded director making a pitch for donations. As usual, Scorsese stays on message, talking loss and the importance of archival practices. Should you feel moved to make a donation or read up more on the BFI, you can do so here.
by Filmmaker Staff on Nov 17, 2015Independent filmmaking is the land of the never-ending benchmark. If you’re not heaving a sigh after finally completing your film, you’re praying it’s accepted into a festival, that someone buys it, that it finds its audience, that you reap a modicum of returns, before daring to do it all over again. Or maybe, not. With the assistance of BFI, British producer Stephen Follows managed to fashion a list of all UK films budgeted at under £500k since 2008, and over £500k since 2003, for a data comparison on the career trajectories of filmmakers behind 2,737 films. His findings, while vaguely depressing, are […]
by Sarah Salovaara on Dec 3, 2013So much depends upon… the position in which one reclines. Seated next to me in the elite section of a flight to Doha, Qatar, an Indian financial wizard with rings on each slim finger nodded and looked thoughtfully out the plane window. Across the aisle, Harvey Weinstein, an overstuffed teddy bear in Qatar Airways pajamas, turned another page of “My Week with Marilyn” and growled for the stewardess. Upon touchdown, a phalanx of young stewards ushered a group of remarkably well-rested travelers into private cars and whisked us away to the second annual Doha Tribeca Film Festival. Could any film […]
by Livia Bloom Ingram on Nov 5, 2010