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“The Scope of the Story Also Expanded”: Director Nanfu Wang | In the Same Breath

In the Same Breath

How did events of 2020—any of them—change your film, either in the way you approached it, produced it, post-produced it, or are now thinking about it?

In the Same Breath is a product of 2020. The project was developed in response to events from the very beginning of the year in Wuhan, and as the year unfolded and the impact of the virus was felt just about everywhere on Earth, the scope of the story also expanded. Every new day, in my personal life as well as in the making of this film, I was forced to adapt to the new, changing reality of the world around me.

Making this film allowed me to process what I was seeing and experiencing. I hope that it also will help viewers to reckon with their own memories of life during 2020.

(Check back daily during the festival — new answers are uploaded on the day of each film’s premiere. Read all the responses here.)

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