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Trailer Watch: Sarah Friedland’s Movement Exercises Trilogy

Sarah Friedland made Filmmaker‘s 25 New Faces list last year as her she finished her Movement Exercises trilogy of short films and was completing production on her debut feature, Familiar Touch. Now, as Familiar Touch finishes post, Video Data Bank is streaming Movement Exercises for free on its website until June 11.

From my 25 New Face profile:

Realized from 2017 to 2022, Friedland’s Movement Exercises Trilogy consists of three short films exploring the ways in which movement contextualized within specific settings encodes personal, social and political meanings. The first of the trilogy, Home Exercises, depicts older adults navigating the tasks and habits of daily living. Drills focuses on the choreographies of school and workplace preparedness exercises, referencing 1917 Boy Scouts drills as well as today’s active shooter rehearsals. And in the final work, Trust Exercises, Friedland examines how movement scenarios become a kind of game theory as they are used in so-called corporate team-building exercises.

Check out the trailer for Movement Exercises above and then head over to Video Databank to watch the complete trilogy.


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