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Love, Ludlow screenwriter and exec producer has created an honest and engaging blog detailing his experiences making the movie and going to Sundance. In today’s entry, he identifies a phenomenon — call it the “Package B” effect — that I had been sensing myself.

Patterson writes:

Apparently there’s a bit of grumbling from some of the smaller films shown at Sundance this year. Some feel there was a bit of “frontloading” to the schedule. This meant that the bigger films with bigger stars were shown in the first week of the festival, while the smaller one’s premiered near the end. The problem is most film buyers left by Thursday morning (Jan 27) of the festival, while there were still about a dozen films yet to premiere, including Love Ludlow.

Honestly I don’t know if it’s true, but I found it interesting that LOVE LUDLOW ranked third in the audience poll, yet the films that ranked 1st, 2nd and 4th all premiered in the first week and were sold. Those buyers left before seeing L,L. Hmmmmm.

Here’s a link to Roger Ebert’s positive review of Adrienne Weiss’s film.

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