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in Filmmaking
on Jan 15, 2009

Over at Movie City News’s “10 Days of Sundance,” Ray Pride has posted a spirited rejoinder to some of the online Sundance sourpusses who are either celebrating their non-attendance or kvetching already about the shuttle and movie lines they’ll be standing in. Encompassing Dennis Hopper, the Joker, Sarah Palin and Lance Hammer, it begins:

THE OTHER DAY, I READ A CYNICAL PIECE OF TRASH by someone who hates this film festival among other things in her or his life and career. It infuriated me. I wish it could be forgotten, made unread. The bit read like some other pieces, about myriad minor irritations, a day without dry socks, a slowly shuffling shuttle, the terror of slush and indifferent films among 150 or so on show, about branding and renegade brands skeeching behind the Sundance Express, rendered as a bewildered concatenation of kitten-like sneezes. “There are two kinds of music,” Duke Ellington noted. “Good music and the other kind.” The same applies to the movies coming up, and to be blunt about it, the days of your life, which include the moments in 10 days of Sundance to come, about which I roundly refuse to be uninformed and cynical, or non-analytic and pessimistic. Was it Oscar Wilde who observed that the worst belittlement you could bestow upon yourself is to boast that you are bored?

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