Editor and Publisher reports that filmmaker Jonathan Demme, currently in theaters with the Neil Young concert film Heart of Gold is quoted via a third party saying, “Neil [Young}just finished writing and recording — with no warning — a new album called ‘Living With War.’ It all happened in three days… It is a brilliant electric assault, accompanied by a 100-voice choir, on Bush and the war in Iraq… Truly mind blowing. Will be in stores soon.”
Singer Alicia Morgan has more on her blog:
“On Wednesday, I was at work when I got a call for a Neil Young session the next day. Needless to say, I was excited about it – Neil Young is one of my musical heroes. When my husband and I got to Capitol, we found 98 other singers, a collection of L.A.’s finest. All I knew was that we were singing on a new Neil Young record, but when the lyrics we were supposed to sing flashed on the giant screen, a roar went up from the choir. I’m not going to give the whole thing away, but the first line of one of the songs was “Let’s impeach the President for lyin’!” Turns out the whole thing is a classic beautiful protest record. The session was like being at a 12-hour peace rally. Every time new lyrics would come up on the screen, there were cheers, tears and applause. It was a spiritual experience.”