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“ROUGH AUNTIES” director, Kim Longinotto

[PREMIERE SCREENING: Monday, Jan. 19, 8:30 pm — Holiday Village Cinema III, Park City]

I’m trying to tell a story as simply as possible. I want the experience of watching the film to be like watching a fiction film so that you feel like you are there and things are happening around you. The editor, Ollie Huddleston, tries to use just one or two shots in each scene so that there’s not a lot of cutting and it flows smoothly. I want the film to be an emotional journey for the audience, one that feels as unexpected and as vivid as it did when I was filming it. I would never set anything up or get anyone to repeat things. I don’t do interviews but sometimes people talk to me, and I’ll film that. I don’t want people to be thinking about the filmmaking; I want them to get engrossed in the story.

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