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in Filmmaking
on Jul 21, 2007

Filmmaker Errol Morris is blogging for the The New York Times. His first piece, “Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire,” takes the form of an essay on the concept of truth and fiction as it pertains to photography.

Here’s how he begins:

Pictures are supposed to be worth a thousand words. But a picture unaccompanied by words may not mean anything at all. Do pictures provide evidence? And if so, evidence of what? And, of course, the underlying question: do they tell the truth?

I have beliefs about the photographs I see. Often ā€“ when they appear in books or newspapers ā€“ there are captions below them, or they are embedded in explanatory text. And even where there are no explicit captions on the page, there are captions in my mind. What I think Iā€™m looking at. What I think the photograph is about.

I have often wondered: would it be possible to look at a photograph shorn of all its context, caption-less, unconnected to current thought and ideas? It would be like stumbling on a collection of photographs in a curiosity shop ā€“ pictures of people and places that we do not recognize and know nothing about. I might imagine things about the people and places in the photographs but know nothing about them. Nothing.

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