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in Filmmaking
on Mar 4, 2008

Over at Film in Focus, Karina Longworth is the latest profile in the “Behind the Blog” series. Currently the editor of Spoutblog, Longworth talks about her favorite posts, her work day, and her history as a blogger, excerpted below:

I’m a rare specimen, in that I’ve been a “professional” movie blogger from the jump–meaning, from the very early days of Cinematical through the present, I’ve always been paid to do it, and I’ve more or less treated it like a career. I have great admiration for those who self publish out of a labor of love, but I wouldn’t know where to start with that — I don’t know anything about web design or ad sales, and would be pretty much lost without support on those and other fronts. That said, I’m equally rare in that I LOVE what I do for a living, and can’t imagine being as happy doing anything else. I put myself through grad school working in restaurants and gourmet food stores, and that was not terribly unpleasant, but I know that if the film blog market dried up tomorrow and I went back to working behind a cheese counter, I’d be blogging about film at night, for no money, because now that I’ve tried it, I really don’t know what to do with myself without it.

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