In columns like “Platforms, PMDs and Perpetuating Obscurity” and “When Should You Call Bullsh#*t,” filmmaker Gregory Bayne has been one of our most provocative columnists on the site, incorporating the experience of making and distributing his own films into a larger commentary on the independent film business. Now it is time to help him out in the form of donating to the Kickstarter campaign for his new project, Bloodsworth: An Innocent Man.” It’s about the first man on death row to be released by DNA evidence.
Bayne writes:
Weaving together archival footage, Kirk Bloodsworth’s own compelling re-telling of his ordeal, and animated reenactments based on court records, police reports, and Kirk’s visceral memories, BLOODSWORTH recounts the remarkable true story of how an honorably discharged ex-US Marine with no criminal record was charged, convicted and sentenced to death for a crime he did not commit, and how, through his relentless commitment to his innocence and a truly incredible sequence of events, Kirk became the first individual in the United States to be exonerated by DNA evidence; an event that sparked an important shift in the criminal justice system that has led to the overturning of 200 wrongful convictions across the nation.
Ultimately, BLOODSWORTH takes us deep into, what is for many of us, uncharted territory. A first hand glimpse into the shrouded depths of the American criminal justice system, and into the psyche of a man who was wrongfully imprisoned and arrested in time; forever trapped in a moment, a case, a crime that has fundamentally and forever shaped his life, and has yet to let go.
Check out the page and the video below and consider supporting Bayne’s new film.