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in Filmmaking
on Nov 28, 2009

The Sundance selection will be announced this week, and we’ll have it posted here on the blog as soon as it’s released. If you are a filmmaker lucky enough to get in, please keep us at Filmmaker informed of all of your publicity and distribution outreach efforts. Many if not most of you will have publicists, and they will be in direct touch with us. But for those of you doing other things in addition to or perhaps instead of conventional publicity, let us know. Particularly, links to Twitter feeds, blogs, RSS updates, etc. are appreciated. As in previous years we’ll be building a standalone Sundance page and will make an effort to feature filmmaker-generated content. And, if you are using Sundance to launch not only your film but its own DIY distribution, definitely reach out to us so we can both cover and publicize your efforts.

You can always email me at editor.filmmakermagazine AT gmail.com, and, of course, you can also post responses in the comments thread below.

Update: I have a Google Wave account and have been trying to figure out how to get more engaged with it. It struck me that a collaborative thread in which filmmakers share their strategy and marketing ideas, discuss their promo materials, link back to their own publicity efforts could be a cool one. Having been a producer on nine Sundance films, I’ll definitely have my own two — our four — cents to throw into the mix. So, let me know if you are Park City bound and on the service. I’m at: scottmacaulay AT googlewave.com. And, if you are not on Google Wave but are sincerely interested in contributing, have a Sundance film, and feel like you have the time to tackle the learning curve, email me and perhaps I can get you an invite.

2nd Update: I’ve added a new “Park City 2010” category to the Forums with a Sundance section, Slamdance section, and general Park City section. In the first two, you can post info about your own films traveling to the festivals or just inquire and speculate about films there. In the last, you can share info about your trip to Park City, including posted notices of condo shares, housing needed, ride shares, etc.

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