“BAGHEAD” writer-directors, Mark and Jay Duplass
Penis size was definitely an issue on Baghead. In fact, we could have used a LOT more than 10 percent extra, but we would have been glad to have as much as we could get. Now please don’t think we’re superficial. We generally don’t concern ourselves with such things. We’ve traditionally viewed ourselves as nice, sweet brothers who lean toward more personal, relationship-oriented films like The Puffy Chair. Maybe we were even better off making these sensitive films with the limited equipment God gave us, you know? But Baghead turned out to be one demanding, feisty little bugger. And we just didn’t quite have the manpower to get the film under our control. In the end, Baghead broke loose from our feeble reigns and became what it wanted to become, and we sat back in fear and watched it happen.
Next time we’re thinking of hiring Vincent Gallo (haven’t personally seen Brown Bunny, but we hear good things).
[PREMIERE SCREENING: Tuesday, Jan. 22, 8:30 pm — Prospector Square Theatre, Park City]