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New Brooklyn-based production company Modern Mythology has scored a viral hit with their inventive video for “Everything Changes,” from Eytan and the Embassy. As the Wall St. Journal reports, the video has nabbed the title of “most costume changes in an unedited music video” by Recordsetter.com, a site promising that everyone can be the best at something. What’s great about the video is that, unlike many clips, the costume changes aren’t just for visual variety; instead, they narrate the history of rock and pop music.

From the Wall St. Journal:

Filmed in Williamsburg in video director Joe Pickard’s apartment in March, the project had help from many hands. “It was an amazing group project that went beyond the band. It ended up being 20 people, from the director to costume and make-up artists, that helped out of passion,” [Eytan] Oren said. “It was a very special experience.”

Because of the band’s limited budget, they enlisted help from Nicole Pezzolla, who runs the costume shop at LaGuardia High School of Music & Arts and Performing Arts in New York, after she responded to “an emergency Facebook status update” from the band. “She came in and saved the day. A couple of amazing high school students were the hands in [the video],” Oren told CNN.

Consisting of Yaara Sumeruk, Joseph Pickard and brothers Corey and Michael Eisenstein, Modern Mythology creates “innovative films, commercials, music videos and branded content.” Interestingly, the lo-fi nature of “Everything Changes” is slightly anomalous, as much of the other work on the site is visually quite ravishing. Check out more from Modern Mythology here.

Eytan and the Embassy – “Everything Changes” from Modern Mythology on Vimeo.

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