Trailer Watch: Cloud Atlas
Four years after their disappointing big-screen take on the anime series Speed Racer, the Wachowski siblings return this fall—alongside Run Lola Run filmmaker Tom Tykwer—with their adaptation of Cloud Atlas. The film, based upon David Mitchell’s 2004 novel of the same name, has been dubbed by the media as Germany’s first attempt at a studio blockbuster, and it certainly has the look for it. Starring America’s favorite would-be uncle Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Jim Broadbent, Jim Sturgess, Hugo Weaving and Doona Bae (among many others), Cloud Atlas examines the course of lives across decades and dimensions, through various incarnations, which appear to revolve around the eponymous, mystical piece of music. It premieres this Saturday at TIFF before hitting theaters October 26.