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Help Save America’s Drive-Ins

This is sponsored editorial content from Honda.

Though we still refer to the cinematic medium as “film,” both in production and exhibition the digital form has taken over. Theaters everywhere are having to undergo digital conversion, which is a manageable undertaking for the large chains but often a tough, uphill financial struggle for small, independent screens. Drive-in theaters, so much a part of the historic fabric of American moviewatching, are having a particularly hard time making the switch, so Honda is embarking on a campaign to help a huge number of these great venues to continue screening movies. As seen in the video above, the company is giving digital projectors to many theaters but are asking cinemagoers to participate in keeping this vital part of our cultural heritage alive. Visit Project Drive-In and its Indiegogo page for more information; the campaign ends in four days, and there is still a long way to go to make a difference for 140+ drive-ins across the country.



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