Trailer Watch: Christina Kallas’s Paris is in Harlem
As I wrote when sharing an exclusive clip from the feature upon its festival premiere, Christina Kallas‘s Paris is in Harlem “takes place the night before New York’s infamous Cabaret Law was repealed. In a historic Harlem jazz bar, a shooting alters the lives of several strangers who have gathered for the final night of ‘no dancing.'” With the film premiering on digital platforms July 4, check out the new trailer above. Comments Kallas, ““As a European filmmaker making films in America, I’m somewhat obsessed with guns ending up in the wrong hands. In Paris is in Harlem, I am focusing on the intersecting lives of strangers passing one another on the street, unknowingly linked by music, by hardship, by the city they live in—and by the ever-present possibility of violence.”’
Paris is in Harlem is the third and final installment in Kallas’s “Gun Trilogy,” which previously included the The Rainbow Experiment and 42 Seconds of Happiness. Previously for Filmmaker, Kallas discussed the numerology behind those two earlier pictures and in another piece her focus on multi-character, non-linear films.