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in Filmmaking
on Jan 7, 2008

Thom Taylor’s opinion piece in the Los Angeles Times about the possible lasting effects of the WGA strike is worth a read, even if he’s perhaps a bit more optimistic than I’d be about the ease by which striking writers are going to slot into new entreprenenial positions as web content creators. But his historical recap of the previous strike and his foreshadowing of media marketplace churn feels right.

From the piece:

The transition to making money from the new paradigm will naturally take time. Right now, anybody with a computer connection can create an overnight sensation on YouTube — but that’s not enough to quit your day job. Yet the Internet is on its way to becoming the public’s preferred mass distribution system — and that means Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Apple and telephone companies will compete with traditional networks by piping broadband content into home theaters. This sea change has the potential to turn the studios as we know them on their heads.

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