Below Filmmaker contributor Karina Longworth, who can be regularly found at, contributes her thoughts on 2008 in film. In the week or so since indieWIRE began posting individual ballots for their 2008 Critics’ Poll, I’ve found that all anyone really wants to talk about are the lists of Best Undistributed Films. For those of us who spend serious time on the festival circuit, the number of great and very good films which end the year without confirmed theatrical distribution is too high to be contained by a single list. Even in expanding my Best Undistributed Top 10 from the […]
I asked some of our editors and contributors to send me their lists, recaps or even just random thoughts on the past year in film. I’ll be running them over the next few days, starting with Peter Bowen’s, below. Strange that in such turbulent political times so few films deal head on with specific crises. Instead some of the most interesting films captured our time as nostalgia, symptom, suggestion, allegory, fable. Most of the films I found most resonant speak to our times by avoiding the subject. These are not in order of importance, but interest. Milk: Long before Prop […]
Yule Log with Director’s Commentary
Last week on the newsletter I posted a request for Sundance-bound filmmakers who are doing anything outside of the ordinary to promote and distribute their films (i.e., anything other than making a poster, hiring a publicist and waiting for the sales to come in) to email me and I’d post their efforts on the blog. Well, so far, no Sundance filmmakers have replied, but a couple of others have, and they’ve expanded my question to include their own efforts in production and theatrical release. Here’s the first of the responses I received in what will become an occasional feature here […]
What is it about independent film and road trips at the moment? First there is Todd Sklar’s Range Life Tour, and now Sujewa Ekanayake takes indie film journalism to the streets with his doc, Indie Film Blogger Road Trip. He’s posted the first nine minutes, embedded below, containing interviews with Anthony Kaufman and Tambay Obenson.
Just posted on GreenCine Daily is news that David Hudson will moving his blog on January 1 from the aforementioned site to In his post he muses on the possible future direction of his blog: I would guess that, in the long run, as we become just as proficient with our video and audio editing programs as we have been with our text editing programs, there’ll be a lot more online viewing and listening to point to. In the short run, we’ll keep experimenting with the still relatively new means of publishing available to just about everyone. Fads (e.g., […]
Filmmaker Jeremy Parker sent the following email about a new site you may find useful: I graduated from Boston University Film school last year, and after graduating I went out on a mission to biuld a website that would help all filmmakers find one another and work together. Being a filmmaker with no money, I experienced how hard it is to find solid an talented crew in your area to work with. So now 11 months later I want to introduce to you It is a completely free website. We Beta launched last week and the site will only […]
Take solace — there are a lot of you. Sage advice comes from Heidi Van Lier, author of the Indie Film Rule Book, at her new blog at Film Independent. An excerpt: One wounded filmmaker already had a plan in place, and they’d already rallied the troops. They were suffering as much as anyone. They’d been blindsided, too. But they had the clarity to ask if I would meet with them to help them with strategy in the following week, come up with a new game-plan to sell their film themselves. And they had already called several other people as […]
Want to become an internet TV broadcaster? The Participatory Culture Foundation tells you how. Their six-step tutorial marches you through everything from equipment buying advice to licensing issues to promotion. (Hat tip: Truly Free Film.)
I contribute my “best of” list to Film Comment‘s critics’ poll, and, in advance of their January/February issue the magazine has posted the results on their website. The winner? Topping the Film Comment list of Best Released Films is Kelly Reichardt’s exquisite Wendy and Lucy. At the top of the Best Unreleased Films is Lucrezia Martel’s The Headless Woman. See the full results at the link.