Just posted on GreenCine Daily is news that David Hudson will moving his blog on January 1 from the aforementioned site to IFC.com. In his post he muses on the possible future direction of his blog:
I would guess that, in the long run, as we become just as proficient with our video and audio editing programs as we have been with our text editing programs, there’ll be a lot more online viewing and listening to point to. In the short run, we’ll keep experimenting with the still relatively new means of publishing available to just about everyone. Fads (e.g., Blog-a-Thons) will come and go, but community-building – the very core of the Internet since long, long before there was such a thing as the World Wide Web – will go on thriving, whether we call it social networking, Web 2.0 or whatever else the marketeers dream up for us in the future.
For my peers and myself, Hudson’s ability to draw the various strands of contemporary cinema writing into one intelligent, lively and inviting conversation is nothing short of miraculous, and we wish him luck for a smooth transition to IFC.
Hudson also notes that GreenCine’s blog will be “rebooting in 2009 with Aaron Hillis at the helm.” That’s an exciting choice, and we’ll look forward to his first postings.