“A Nuanced Understanding of War”: Director Greg Barker | Legion of Brothers

During its development, production or eventual distribution, what specific challenge of communication did, or will your film, face? How did you deal with it, or how are you planning to deal with it?
Green Berets refer to themselves as “The Quiet Professionals,” and see themselves as a breed apart from more boastful units of the Special Forces, like SEAL Team Six, with their lucrative book deals and pumped-up war stories. So the biggest challenge on this production was simply convincing these guys that now was the time to finally open and reveal themselves – and not as stereotypical super-human war fighters, but as real people whose extraordinary, often painful experiences give them a nuanced understanding of war that is a cautionary tale for us all.
[PREMIERE SCREENING: Saturday, January 21 at 2:30pm — The Marc]