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Free Streaming Series “After Civilization,” Hosted by Maysles Documentary Center, Features Work by John Akomfrah, Pat O’Neill and More

Christina Battles’ Water Once Ruled

Another excellent free streaming series: “After Civilization,” hosted by the Maysles Documentary Center, runs through August 15th. 12 features and shorts are available to stream. Per the Center, the series’ thematic emphasis considers a very immediate question: “when the modern idyll of ‘civilization’ is threatened—whether through active resistance, environmental disaster, or structural collapse—what follows? In an endangered present, the future is not inevitable but to be fought for, reclaimed, reinvented altogether. How do we care for the planet while centering human life, and from where, exactly, will the seeds of collective liberation grow?”

Co-curated by Emily Apter, Annie Horner and Inney Prakash, the series includes Pat O’Neill’s landmark 1989 Water & Power; a John Akomfrah film essay from 1996, Last Angel of History, whose interrogation of pan-African history is presented through a science-fiction lens; and INAATE/SE/ [it shines a certain way. to a certain place/it flies. falls./], the acclaimed debut feature from Adam and Zack Khalil. Click here for the full line-up.

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