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“People Will Watch Films Differently Today Than They Did a Year Ago”: Director Ronny Trocker | Human Factors

Human Factors

How did events of 2020—any of them—change your film, either in the way you approached it, produced it, post-produced it, or are now thinking about it?

Even though many other things happened in 2020, the pandemic was without doubt the most significant event. However, at the moment it is difficult for me to say if it has changed my view on the film in some way. Like most films coming out now, it was written and shot before the pandemic. The post-production was affected by the restrictions, causing some notable delays, but I don’t think it changed the result of our work. It all came so unexpectedly and is still impossible to understand, while the film was already in an advanced stage. The interesting question to me now is how the film is understood or interpreted by the audience after all this. Personally, I‘m convinced that people will watch films differently today than they did a year ago. I don’t know how exactly, and that is no longer in the hands of us filmmakers, which is perhaps the most exciting thing about it. The film will live its own life, coming from a world that is no longer as it was.

(Check back daily during the festival — new answers are uploaded on the day of each film’s premiere. Read all the responses here.)

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