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Back to One

A podcast about acting -- just the work. by Peter Rinaldi

“I Know This Woman. I Have Her in My Body”: Sophie von Haselberg (Back To One, Episode 244)

Sophie von Haselberg as Sissy St. Claire in Amanda Kramer's "Give Me Pity!"

Sophie von Haselberg stars as Sissy St. Claire in Amanda Kramer’s psychedelic fever dream musical Give Me Pity! It’s part mock 70’s television special, part monologue film, and requires the creation of a bigger-than-life persona on screen, and von Haselberg carries it all and delivers a virtuoso performance. On this episode, she takes us from Kramer “pulling me from the ether,” through extensive preparation, getting the character “into my body,” a frustrating COVID pause, on to the live theater-like 5 day shoot, and how she doesn’t think she would have “ever allowed myself to dream that something like this would fall into my lap.” Plus much more!

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