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Trailer Watch: Noah Schamus’s Summer Solstice

World premiering tomorrow at the Provincetown Film Festival is Summer Solstice, the debut feature of writer/director Noah Schamus, which previously was included in the 2022 US in Progress work-in-progress coproduction forum. The filmmakers have just released a teaser trailer — watch it above. And here’s the description from the Provincetown program book.

Leo, a trans man, and his cis and straight friend, Eleanor, go away for an impromptu weekend trip, during which they uncover old secrets, new challenges, and find the answer to the age-old question: can bad sex and good friends mix? Writer-director Noah Schamus’s funny, melancholic feature debut celebrates and tests Leo and Eleanor’s bond in equal measure. Rising stars Bobbi Salvör Menuez (Adam) and Marianne Rendón (Mapplethorpe) give carefully calibrated performances that illustrate both the lasting love and growing frustration at the heart of the pair’s changing relationship.

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