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in Filmmaking
on Oct 20, 2004


I stumbled across author William Gibson’s (Neuromancer) online blog today and caught up with the news that director Peter Weir is attached to direct a film version of Gibson’s latest, Pattern Recognition. The novel is a contemporary cybernoir about a “cool hunter” who winds up on the chase for the director of mysterious multi-part Internet film. Locations are being scouted in Moscow, London and Tokyo.

I wound up bookmarking Gibson’s blog as he seems to update it daily and has some interesting political commentary on it as well. In today’s entry he describes the process by which he feels an imaginative collective mental barrier may be working against John Kerry:

“As I took the zeitgeist’s temperature this morning (the hard way, as we professional prescients always insist on doing) I noticed that it was decidedly more difficult to imagine life after a Kerry win than life after a Bush win.

Aside from the fact that, as we professionals know, it’s inherently more difficult to imagine things getting relatively unfucked than it is to imagine things getting more fucked but in a familiar direction, I found myself wondering whether that Bush-as-idiot-shaman essay I quoted here recently might not be literally true, in some ghastly Castanedan way? Could it be that the obscenely comforting narrowing of imaginative bandwith (the real payoff in becoming a Bushite believer) was actually changing the world, or threatening to, via its chilling effect on concensus-reality?”

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