Note to self: do not start meetings by asking, “Have you ever had a dream that you were in outer space and you weren’t like, this is insane, but rather, it felt somewhat familiar?”
Needless to say, the poor woman across the film-pitch-as-speed-date table had, actually, not had that dream. But, well, the meeting progressed in an orderly, casual, if not excellent fashion. While a tad forced (a tad?) these meetings have been really worthwhile. From International Film Festival Rotterdam and Cannes Critics Week to Cinetic, Visit Films, and Elephant Eye, I’ve been able to show the Pavilion trailer and site (both are truly connecting), talk about the film’s essence and strategy, and learn what festivals and sales agents/distributors are looking for in taking on projects. There seems to be genuine interest which is, at the very least, nice to know, if not a reminder to keep it slow. And not all of the useful meetings are with those ends of the industry. Meeting with the Torino Film Lab, Crowdstarter and US Artists helped continue the conversation on artistic development and the various paths toward connecting with audiences. Imagine that, connecting with audiences. We shall see.