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in Filmmaking
on May 10, 2008

Over at Variety‘s The Circuit, Mike Jones digs up a very helpful article by a director who travelled to Cannes to pitch his project… that happened to appear a couple of years ago in Filmmaker. Producers and directors about to make the trip over would do well to check it out.

An excerpt from Richard Press’s Cannes Diary:

A week before I leave for cannes to participate in L’Atelier du Festival, the co-production market of the Cannes Film Festival, I receive an e-mail from the festival reminding me to bring my black tie; without it I will not be allowed to ascend the Red Carpet for the competition screenings. Then, as an aside — a whisper of the protocol to come — they add, “And don’t wear white socks.” I think they’re joking, but in a flurry of good-natured e-mails I’m assured that more than one unfortunate fashion “faux pas-er” has been forced to turn around and head down the steps in sartorial shame.

Soon after my arrival in Cannes it becomes clear that the festival doesn’t shy away from the whole truth of the movie industry. Rather, it embraces and celebrates the glamour, the commerce and the art of filmmaking in equal measure. It’s a heady, over-the-top mix that makes my 10 days at the Atelier an intoxicating carnival.

Read more at the link.

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