If you are a filmmaker looking for cheap Accutane, or to have your penis enlarged, then, in the last couple of weeks, our message board has been for you. If you are anyone else, it has been rendered unusable by an automated spambot attack that has filled up every category with horrible junk. Accordingly, we’ve disabled posting on the site and are embarking on revamp that will involve upgraded software to prevent this from happening in the future. We will also have more coherent and useful forum headers and we’ll be more actively moderating the boards. First, though, we will be posting selected articles from the new issue of the magazine and taking care of some other web-related issues, so this upgrade may take a few weeks. We will of course post here when that occurs.
In the meantime, if you have thoughts on what you’d like to see on a Filmmaker message board as well as thoughts on the efficacy of message boards in general in this time of Twitter/Facebook/everything else, please post them below. We very much want to take your thoughts and ideas into consideration as we make these changes.