Win a Copy of A Place at the Table
Courtesy of Magnolia, we’ve got five copies to give away of Lori Silverbush and Kristi Jacobson’s Sundance doc A Place at the Table, which received critical acclaim for its insightful and engaging analysis of the American hunger crisis.
The first five respondents to answer the following question correctly will receive a copy of the DVD:
According to the trailer, one in how many kids in the United States will be on Federal Food Assistance at some point in their lives?
Email your answers to nick@filmmakermagazine.com.
Here is what R. Kurt Osenlund had to say in his interview with the directors for Filmmaker:
If Food, Inc. freaked you out, prepare to be galvanized by A Place at the Table, another hot-button food doc being released by Participant Media and Magnolia Pictures. The film, which boasts the involvement of celebrity advocates Jeff Bridges and chef Tom Colicchio, fixes its curious eye on America’s hunger crisis, whose staggering stats add up to the distressing fact that 50 million folks in this country, many of them kids, don’t know when or how they’re getting their next meal. It’s a monster of a topic, with arms that stretch to the realms of politics, medicine, and agriculture, and the directors who stepped up to dissect it are Lori Silverbush and Kristi Jacobson, a narrative filmmaker and a documentarian, respectively. Combining their powers, the duo aim their spotlight at those suffering from food insecurity, along with a who’s-who of talking heads and, finally, our government, which the movie insists need only use the power it already has to fix these matters.