Alix Lambert and Sam Chou Launch Crime: The Animated Series at MoCA
Published in 2008, Alix Lambert’s Crime is one of the most fascinating books on the subject, bringing together in one gorgeously-produced volume interviews with various artists and dramatists who have chronicled crime as well as actual criminals themselves. But the book is just one element of Lambert’s practice surrounding this topic. Her Crime has taken the form of gallery shows, theater pieces and now, animated films. This week Lambert and animator Sam Chou will launch Crime: The Animated Series at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles.
MOCATV presents a screening of short animated episodes from our new Art + Crime series created by Alix Lambert and Sam Chou featuring excerpts of interviews with criminals, law enforcement, victims, and observers. These videos illuminate the world of crime and paint a complex portrait of who we are as people. Join us directly following the screening for a panel discussion and Q & A with director Alix Lambert, animator Sam Chou, alongside panelists Joe Loya, Althea Wasow and Jimmy Wu whose experience includes working with inmates, writing about true crime and robbing banks.
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Each of CRIME’s six parts are produced by a different animator/designer in their own personal style, albeit using the same spare red-white-black color palette, and feature interviews with law enforcement, criminals and the victims of crime. The episodes shine a light on the “dark, compelling, heartbreaking, and yes — sometimes funny” subject of crime and how it affects society.
Check out the trailer above, and if you’re in Los Angeles, come out Wednesday evening, July 10, for a screening of the series and then the panel discussion. The screening is free, but an RSVP is required.