Davey Foundation Offers Grants for Short Films; Deadline July 5
This year’s edition of the Davey Foundation Short Film Grants—which annually bestow grant packages to shorts filmmakers—comes with a first. Founded in 2013, in past years only short films made by those 35 and under were eligible for submission. That age cap’s been removed for this year’s edition. Judged only on a script basis, four grants will be awarded: two national grant winners receive $5,000 in cash, the third $2500 cash plus use of a film gear package. Additionally, a grant for Utah-based filmmakers will be awarded for $2500 and use of a film gear package.
Past grantees include Laura Moss (Fry Day), Lauren Wolkstein (Beemus) and Nora Kirkpatrick (Long Time Listener, First Time Caller). For more information, click here.