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Late in Life: Jonathan Lethem in Conversation with Between the Temples‘s Nathan Silver

A middle-aged white woman leans her chin on a younger white man's shoulder.Jason Schwartzman and Carol Kane in Between the Temples

In Between the Temples, Jason Schwartzman, looking suddenly on the verge of middle age, and with a disconcerting new depth to his eyes, plays a cantor unable to find his singing voice. “The cantor who can’t” might be the hook for any number of lively (or annoying) comedies set in a synagogue, but Nathan Silver has delivered not only the version I’d actually want, but one I could never have believed possible—one of the best films of his busy early career, one of the best romantic comedies in decades. Schwartzman’s romantic partner-in-crime—his counterpart, his frenemy, his fateful nemesis, in the […]

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