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Our favorite podcasters, Arin Crumley and Susan Buice of the film Four-Eyed Monsters, are appearing next week at the Apple Store in Soho, New York. The event is part of the Indiewire series there and will be moderated by Eugene Hernandez. Expect to hear about the duo’s evolving plan to self-release their film, a plan which takes the grassroots, DIY approach they’ve developed to market their film to even new levels. Crumley and Buice are splitting their excellent podcast series into two strands. The first continues the soap opera that was the completion of their film and its premiere at the Slamdance Film Festival. The second is devoted to news and release plans in which the two talk about how they are collecting requests from their fans to screen the film in their areas, plotting them on Google Earth, and then setting up local screenings with the help of local coordinators they find on MySpace.

Check out their site for more (including how to subscribe to their podcasts) or just watch the news below. And check them out in person next Friday, April 28, at 7:30 at the Apple store.

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