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Toy’s House | Director Jordan Vogt-Roberts

[PREMIERE SCREENING: Saturday, Jan. 19, 8:30pm — Library Center Theatre, Park City]

What did I sacrifice to make this film? Well for starters, I promise you I will die at least 10 years younger than my body had naturally intended because of this movie, but one of my producers keeps reassuring me that the last 10 years of your life are the least productive, so I guess it all works out in the end. That initially sounds like a bunch of tortured-artist-nonsense but this isn’t some woe-is-me ennui filled sob story. Making Toy’s House was the most gratifying and rewarding experience of my life. Every project or relationship involves (and I think is ultimately made better by) sacrifice so I wouldn’t change a thing. I don’t think I’ve typed the word “sacrifice” so much since a college essay…

Sundance Responses 2013

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