Rintu Thomas and Sushmit Ghosh’s feature debut Writing With Fire painstakingly follows Khabar Lahariya, India’s only all-female news network, as they transition from print to digital and challenge the caste system every step of the way. As a director duo, Thomas and Ghosh also took the massive undertaking of editing and producing their film, with Ghosh also acting as one of two cinematographers. The duo share their editing process, what it was like to respectfully but intimately capture the lives of the women of Khabar Lahariya, and reframing the image of Dalit women through editing. Filmmaker: How and why did you […]
by Filmmaker Staff on Jan 30, 2021How did events of 2020—any of them—change your film, either in the way you approached it, produced it, post-produced it, or are now thinking about it? We had set up an edit studio at a friends’ place in the mountains and were busy working through the post-production when the lockdown was declared in India. That’s when it dawned that we couldn’t head back to Delhi, where our home is, nearly 600 kilometers away. Our consultant editor, the amazing Anne Fabini, was supposed to join us for two weeks. Just a few days before she was scheduled to travel, the travel […]
by Filmmaker Staff on Jan 30, 2021Amalia Ulman’s El Planeta is a modern day picaresque, following a young fashion student and her mother as they grift their way into small riches amid the backdrop of post-financial crisis Spain. The film explores consumerism, gendered expectations, and class with devilish humor. DP Carlos Rigo Bellver discusses making an intimate setting for Ulman, who plays the lead, and her mother, who plays Ulman’s mother, to feel comfortable and naturalistic. Filmmaker: How and why did you wind up being the cinematographer of your film? What were the factors and attributes that led to your being hired for this job? Bellver: […]
by Filmmaker Staff on Jan 30, 2021Dating’s complicated arc during the pandemic has been lovingly captured in Pacho Velez’s documentary Searchers. Whether on Grindr, Tinder, or any other app, the question “what are you looking for?” varies from person to person amid the chaos of mid-COVID New York City. DPs Martin DiCicco and Daniel Claridge tell us how they framed Velez as one of the film’s most vital subjects as well as the parallels between film and dating profiles. Filmmaker: How and why did you wind up being the cinematographer of your film? What were the factors and attributes that led to your being hired for this […]
by Filmmaker Staff on Jan 30, 2021Amalia Ulman’s El Planeta is a modern day picaresque, following a young fashion student and her mother as they grift their way into small riches amid the backdrop of post-financial crisis Spain. The film explores consumerism, gendered expectations, and class with devilish humor. Editors Katharine McQuerrey and Anthony Valdez discuss bringing the city of Gijón to life and the difficulty of making a Skype call feel urgent and real. Filmmaker: How and why did you wind up being the editor of your film? What were the factors and attributes that led to your being hired for this job? McQuerrey: I […]
by Filmmaker Staff on Jan 30, 2021How did events of 2020—any of them—change your film, either in the way you approached it, produced it, post-produced it, or are now thinking about it? Ailey was made in fits and starts over a period of four years. We’d raise a sum of money to cover one portion of the process, spend the money, stop down, raise more money. Rinse repeat. Stopping down and starting is always tough. You lose momentum or you risk losing key collaborators. By 2019, we’d completed the bulk of production and we were trying to figure out whether to start up our edit when, […]
by Filmmaker Staff on Jan 30, 2021How did events of 2020—any of them—change your film, either in the way you approached it, produced it, post-produced it, or are now thinking about it? I imagine that many directors are writing about COVID or the BLM protests, and both of those events shaped Searchers, but I also experienced a more personal milestone—my fortieth birthday. I usually avoid celebrating birthdays, but it felt important to embrace this one. Then came the pandemic, and I spent the day like every other lockdown day, reading the news, listening to podcasts, and experimenting in the kitchen. Besides the symbolic weight of forty, […]
by Filmmaker Staff on Jan 30, 2021How did events of 2020—any of them—change your film, either in the way you approached it, produced it, post-produced it, or are now thinking about it? It didn’t affect us at all except the uncanny similarities of a town dealing with a fast-spreading curse that forces them to stay in their homes and board all the windows shut in order to avoid any unwanted exposure to it (insert funny pandemic virus emoji being chased by a hypodermic needle and a werewolf here). (Check back daily during the festival — new answers are uploaded on the day of each film’s premiere. […]
by Filmmaker Staff on Jan 30, 2021Jakub Piątek’s feature debut Prime Time is a thriller set in the deadly world of broadcast television. In 1999, a youth named Sebastian (Bartosz Bielenia) hijacks a TV studio, taking two hostages along the way. His reasons for doing this slowly unravel, including to himself. Editor Jarosław Kamiński walks us through the chaos of Prime Time’s editing and how best to portray a shifting protagonist’s emotional states. Filmmaker: How and why did you wind up being the editor of your film? What were the factors and attributes that led to your being hired for this job? Kamiński: Jakub Piątek, the director of Prime […]
by Filmmaker Staff on Jan 30, 2021Hogir Hirori’s Sabaya tells the untold story of young survivors of Daesh sex trafficking. The documentary follows the actions of the Yazidi Home Center as they infiltrate the Al-Hol camp where several women and children were held against their will as slaves. As the editor of his own film (as well as the cinematographer), Hirori shares how he preserved the exigence of the Sabaya girls’ story while protecting their identities along the way. Filmmaker: How and why did you wind up being the editor of your film? What were the factors and attributes that led to your being hired for this […]
by Filmmaker Staff on Jan 30, 2021