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Register Now for Free Hundreds of Beavers Distribution Case Study

Next Thursday, October 17, over Zoom at 2:00 PM Eastern, Jon Reiss — a longtime Filmmaker contributor and author of the new and highly recommended (and distribution-focused) 8 Above Substack — and I will be hosting a distribution case study on DIY hit Hundreds of Beavers with producer Kurt Ravenwood. We’re going to investigate how the Hundreds of Beavers became a breakout success that grossed over $500K at the theatrical box office — more than tripling their production budget of $150K. Kurt will reveal how their team identified, mobilized and grew their audience, how they eventized their theatrical release and created a content strategy to drive more audiences to repeated sold out screenings, how and why they signed a VOD deal before the theatrical release and what ramifications that had for their success (eg – would they do that again?), their windowing strategy, how they leveraged their theatrical success for a unique success in transactional VOD and more. Afterwards, Jon and I get into it all with Kurt, we’ll be opening the Zoom up to viewer questions.

This event is free for subscribers to Jon’s newsletter as well as the Filmmaker newsletter. The invite will be included in tomorrow’s newsletter, so sign up here before 4:00 PM on Friday, October 11, to attend.

And for more on Hundreds of Beavers, check out Filmmaker‘s extensive coverage, which includes an interview with Ravenwood.

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