I have to admit, I find the way ads are served on the Film Annex sites is kind of weird. My browser gets spazzy as the “Pet Fit” commercial affixed to the head of this Abel Ferrara clip montage plays. That said, it’s worth sitting through a chirpy model telling you how to slim down your canine for this collection of prime moments from Abel Ferrara’s career. (How great was Madonna in Dangerous Game?) Ferrara is the subject of a series of mostly new films at the Anthology Film Archives this week, “Abel Ferrara in the 21st Century.” (Note to self: have someone key in my old Ferrara interviews from the print editions of Filmmaker.) Included: Mary, Chelsea on the Rocks, Go Go Tales, Mulberry Street, and Napoli, Napoli Napoli. I’ve only seen Mary, and it’s great — to my mind, his best film since Bad Lieutenant. I’ll be looking forward to these. Abel will be present at the screenings.