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in Filmmaking
on Aug 13, 2009

Recently the Pacific Northwest’s venerable Northwest Film Forum, which has been behind not only the exhibition but also the production of some of our most striking independent features, issued an urgent plea for financial assistance. By August 15, the organization requires $70,000 to forestall severe changes in the organization. With two days left to go, the NWFF is not quite half way there, helped by both its members and audiences but also companies like Sub Pop, which matched donations. There is still time to close the gap, though, in the next 48 hours. Here is executive director Lyall Bush’s latest email:

We have some good news. Last week we sent out a letter about our current budget shortfall (scroll down to read the original letter). I said we were down $70,000 and I made an urgent request to you. If each of the 10,000 people on our email lists gave $10, I wrote, our woes would be solved.

Within minutes you responded. Our email bulged with news that you were pushing our online giving button, over and over. Within an hour we had $2,200, and within a day we had $10,000. And then checks started arriving, and then you started bringing cash into the theater and up to the window. One person called and said, “I’m driving by. Come out to the street.” I was given with an envelope stuffed with bills.

And you told us things while you were at it. “It’s the least I could do,” someone wrote. “Northwest Film Forum changed my life.” “I love what you do for the city,” someone else said. Several people said, “You’re important.” We heard all that and it warmed us. Thank you for that, and thank you for giving.

And then yesterday we received a call from Sub Pop. They had read the letter and they wanted to help, and they decided that they wanted to offer the Film Forum a matching gift of $10,000. Starting now your $10 gift is worth $20. What a great idea. Thank-you, Sub-Pop! You can make your matched donation now.

So, totals: we are at $28,000 right now, with $42,000 to go to reach our goal by August 15. Thanks to all of you for spreading the word, for saying yes, and for giving. We are humbled by your appreciation of what we do. We promise to give back, too: a Film Forum you can be proud of.

Lyall Bush
Executive Director

P.S. You can also help the Film Forum by coming to see movies this weekend. Check out our listings, grab a friend and buy a ticket today.

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