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Trailer Watch: See You Next Tuesday

“A real treat, a genuine discovery, a whirling dervish of a movie, some kind of roiling central-Brooklyn freak show, a film so searing with rip-your-throat-out and spit-on-your-grave anger, the indignity of mental illness, the messiness of race in this fast-gentrifying strip of American near-coastal land that it seems to have a pulse all its own; it feels alive in the ways only superior works of art can.” That’s Filmmaker‘s Brandon Harris on Drew Tobia’s See You Next Tuesday, a film that has multiple fans here at the magazine. There’s me, for one — I was on the jury at Indie Memphis that gave it the screenplay and acting awards. Sarah Salovaara likes it too. Here’s what she wrote when introducing her interview with writer/director Tobia, actress Eleonore Pienta and producer Rachel Wolther:

Once in a while, a film comes across your radar that plays so perfectly to your sensibilities, it seems someone handcrafted it with you in mind. These sorts of films are usually small, personal endeavors, that — preference-pending — are too niche for mass audiences, and struggle to find the complimentary festival or forum that will realize their loaded potential. Drew Tobia’s See You Next Tuesday is the lastest entry in this unjustly underground canon. A cult hit in the making if there ever was one, See You Next Tuesday concerns Mona, a pregnant, loudmouthed, lonesome and unhinged grocery store cashier, inhabited by the utterly uninhibited Eleanore Pienta.

As Mona spirals toward her nebulous due date, her relationships with her negligent mother May (Dana Eskelson), megalomaniacal sister Jordan (Molly Plunk), and Jordan’s do-gooder girlfriend Sylve (Keisha Zollar) coalesce and crumble in alternate measure. For all the film’s hysteria, Tobia never loses sight of the bonds between Mona and the three other women, as well as situational practicalities, like how on earth Mona is fit to care for a child when she herself is still defecating on the bedroom floor.

The film opens August 22 at Cinema Village with, via Devolver Digital, a digital VOD release on August 26 and a cable VOD release on September 2. Additionally, NoBudge will be hosting a free online screening on August 26 for 12 hours. We’ll make sure to remind you. For now, check out the trailer. (Oh, and when was the last time a film trailer featured blurbs from both us and the Wall Street Journal?)

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