2020-22: Cinema Year Zero or, My COVID “Movie Journal” (So Far)

Inspired by L.M. Kit Carson’s “Intros” from the Noonday paperback screenplay of David Holzman’s Diary (1967), a film by Jim McBride. 0. I don’t mind the sun sometimes the images it shows —Butthole Surfers, “Pepper” 1. Anthology Film Archives cancels the final screening of Johnny Mnemonic (Robert Longo, 1995) in Jon Dieringer and Screen Slate’s “1995: The Year The Internet Broke” series. Opening title card: Second Decade of the 21st Century. Corporations Rule. The World Is Threatened by a New Plague: NAS Nerve Attenuation Syndrome, Fatal, Epidemic, Its Cause and Cure Unknown… 2. Ken Jacobs premieres a new work, Movie […]