Camden International Film Festival Announces Commissioning Partnership with Al Jazeera Digital Platform

The Camden International Film Festival announced today a partnership with AJ+, the new digital platform from Al Jazeera Media Network. Submissions are now open for a competition that will bring five independent filmmakers to the festival to pitch short doc projects to filmmakers and industry leaders. AJ+ will then commission up to five projects, providing them with $10,000 budgets.
From the press release:
All selected filmmakers will be provided with an All Access pass to CIFF (September 25-28, 2014) and a stipend to support both travel and accommodations during the festival. This opportunity is for stories driven by strong characters, compelling voices, and unique insights into events and issues that may be local but resonate with our connected and globally-minded audience. Pieces must be current, but not necessarily driven by current affairs.
In the channel’s first-ever live pitch session, they are calling for original short film ideas and projects that look to the future. Apocalyptic images have haunted our timelines all summer. Now they are asking filmmakers for short documentary films that engage with one of the following questions:
* What are the emergent cultural, political or technological trends that are shaping our lives in surprising ways?
* How are individuals or communities responding to crises that threaten their future in unexpected ways?
* What does ‘sustainability’ look like?
Pitches will be accepted from filmmakers of all nationalities. They may be drawn from feature-length documentary projects, although concepts that work as a standalone short film are preferred. Films that have already been completed or released online are not eligible for the pitch.
The submission fee is $25 and the deadline is August 25 at midnight. Learn more here at the link.