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The Orchard Releases Detailed Distribution Revenue Figures for Cartel Land, Launches New Film Analytics Dashboard

Cartel Land

Distributor The Orchard launched today what they are calling “the industry’s first fully-transparent dashboard for film analytics.” Using figures for their recent release, the Oscar-nominated doc Cartel Land, the dashboard provides hard figures for film revenues across both different platforms and then tracks and projects them over time. Simply put, this is extraordinary. The lack of digital reporting figures has been cited repeatedly in Filmmaker and elsewhere as an impediment to filmmakers seeking to create business plans for their films. The Cartel Land example posted today provides significantly more granular detail than is typically reported in the trades, and dynamic web interface relays this detail in an effective and non-overwhelming way.

Some quick takeaways:

* The Orchard paid a $500,000 advance for Cartel Land.
* About 57% of the film’s $1.8 million projected revenue is predicted to come from various forms of transactional non-streaming digital distribution (i.e., iTunes, Google Play, etc.)
* About 23% of revenue is coming from “term licenses,” which we can assume to be Netflix and other SVOD platforms.
* Theatrical and non-theatrical totalled about 15% of revenues.
* Distribution expenses, which include the advance paid to the filmmakers, total about $1.5 million, with the largest chunk — just over $600,000 — going to publicity. As advertising is a separate line, one can assume a big chunk of this was taken up by the film’s Oscar campaign.
* DVD and Blu-Ray are not entirely dead. Here they’re projected to gross just over $100,000.

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